Make every meeting worth it

Manage your calendar, notes and tasks in one place, so you can be more organized, prepared and aligned.

Get Hugo for free

Try all features with unlimited users for 30 days.
Free forever up to 10 users.

Hugo Team Meetings
30,000 +
teams and professionals enjoy more productive meetings with Hugo
Go from...
“meetings are a time sink”
“meetings are time well spent”
  • Be more organized
    Find notes, tasks and decisions quickly
  • Be more aligned
    Keep everyone on the same page
  • Be more prepared
    Take the effort out of meeting prep
  • Be more productive
    Accomplish every meeting’s purpose

Find any note, task, or decision in seconds

Keep your notes and tasks tied to your calendar so you can find what you need quickly. Hugo auto-organizes your notes by attendees, companies, and meeting details so you stay organized without effort.

Streamline your meeting prep

Start preparing for each meeting in one click. Breeze through meeting prep with 100+ templates. Then share your agenda and collaborate with others. That way, everyone shows up ready to make the most of your time.

Never let another action item slip through the cracks

Capture, assign, and track tasks in Hugo. Or send tasks to your project management tool. Because meetings without action are a waste of everyone’s time.

Collaborate without communication breakdowns

Put notes and tasks where everyone can see them. Use comments and the Slack integration to keep everyone in the loop. And share meeting docs with colleagues and customers — even if they don’t have a Hugo account.

Meeting searchTeam Meetings

Find any note, task, or decision in seconds

Keep your notes and tasks tied to your calendar so you can find what you need quickly. Hugo auto-organizes your notes by attendees, companies, and meeting details so you stay organized without effort.

Meeting TemplatesSearch MeetingsInteractive team meetings

Streamline your meeting prep

Start preparing for each meeting in one click. Breeze through meeting prep with 100+ templates. Then share your agenda and collaborate with others. That way, everyone shows up ready to make the most of your time.

Create meeting tasks

Never let another action item slip through the cracks

Capture, assign, and track tasks in Hugo. Or send tasks to your project management tool. Because meetings without action are a waste of everyone’s time.

App IntegrationsShare Meetings

Collaborate without communication breakdowns

Put notes and tasks where everyone can see them. Use comments and the Slack integration to keep everyone in the loop. And share meeting docs with colleagues and customers — even if they don’t have a Hugo account.

Connect your meetings to 20+ popular work apps — and 1000s more through Zapier

“We have Hugo connected to Slack, Hubspot, Github, Jira and Zoom. I will never forget the moment when I took my first meeting in Hugo. It was as if all of my team and apps were in the meeting with me.”

Luis Barbosa
Luis Barbosa

Slack, Uber, Netflix and 30,000+ others get more from their meetings with Hugo

Nathan Monk

Rather than panic on a Sunday, I’m using Hugo to make sure I’m organised for my week. Rather than take mental notes and forget, Hugo keeps me regimented by providing structure. I f*#@ing love it.

Nathan Monk
Nathan Monk
Luis Barbosa

“We have Hugo connected to Slack, Hubspot, Github, Jira and Zoom. I will never forget the moment when I took my first meeting in Hugo. It was as if all of my team and apps were in the meeting with me.”

Luis Barbosa
Luis Barbosa
Alistair Michener

Hugo is how we prepare, take notes, and action takeaways for every customer and team meeting. We walk in effortlessly prepared, our CRM and other apps are always up to date, and handovers and customer collaboration is a breeze.

Alistair Michener
Alistair Michener

Save minutes each day. Days each week. Weeks each year.

  • 90.9% of users say Hugo saves them time
  • The average Hugo user saves more than 2 weeks per year
  • Get up to speed fast with short, helpful videos and resources
  • Easy setup: your calendar(s) are automatically synced at sign up

You’re less than 2 minutes away
from more productive meetings

  • Easy setup: your calendar(s) are automatically synced at sign up
  • Connect your calendar(s) to meeting notes and tasks
  • Streamline your meeting workflow
  • Search and filter to find notes in seconds
  • Integrate with 20+ tools including Slack and Salesforce
  • Assign tasks through Asana, Trello, Todoist, Jira and more
  • Use the Chrome extension for rapid meeting prep
Try all features for FREE with unlimited users for 30 Days
Try all features for FREE with unlimited users for 30 Days
After your free trial, you can upgrade to keep your Pro features, or use the Basic plan for free. Free forever up to 10 users.