3 Examples of Meeting Minutes (+Free Templates)

Use these meeting minutes examples to see how to write meeting minutes for your own meetings.

3 Examples of Meeting Minutes (+Free Templates)

Taking meeting minutes is a common practice in many organizations. It's how the organization keeps track of what happened during the meeting and how decisions were made.

But what exactly should be written in meeting minutes can be confusing if you don't have an example.

In this article, we'll give you examples of meeting minutes so that you can see how to write meeting minutes for your own organization's meetings.

Meeting Minutes Examples In This Article:

  1. <li-toc>Meeting Minutes with No Formatting<li-toc>
  2. <li-toc>Board Meeting Template<li-toc>
  3. <li-toc>Executive Monthly Meeting<li-toc>

Quick Tips on Writing Meeting Minutes

Before we jump into the examples of meeting minutes, here are some of the best practices to look out for:

<t-check>Keep the meeting minutes short and sweet<t-check>. A full hour of discussion should result in around half a page or even less, depending on how much information you need to include.

<t-check>Include who was present<t-check> at the meeting as well as their role (if relevant).

<t-check>Note decisions that were made<t-check>. If something is decided upon, always state what decision was made so that future actions can be assigned and held accountable.

<t-check>Keep track of votes<t-check>. If there was a disagreement or debate, make sure to note how the final decision came about (i.e., who voted for which option).

<t-check>Reiterate any action items<t-check> that need to get done at the end of the meeting so people know what they're responsible.

As you can see, meeting minutes are pretty straightforward to write.

As long as you get all of the necessary information down in a clear and concise way it should be fine.

Here are some examples of how to write meeting minutes for your own meetings. At the bottom of each meeting minutes sample is a link to download the meeting minutes template for free as a Word Doc, Google Doc, or to use it in Hugo (free meeting management software).

Learn what *not* to include in your meeting minutes

<h-circle>1<h-circle>Meeting Minutes Example: No Agenda or Formatting

The meeting started at 11:00 am and was attended by John Smith, Jane Doe, and Robert Brown. The meeting minutes were kept by James Taylor.

After an overview of how the project is going so far and what we hope to accomplish in the next week, we discussed how best to divide up our tasks for this upcoming week. For the first day, we decided to work on task A and B.

We also reached a consensus that we would finish up our discussion about how best to handle issue C at next week's meeting instead of trying to solve it now.

<h-circle>2<h-circle>Meeting Minutes Example: Board Meeting Template

<h-circle>3<h-circle>Meeting Minutes Example: Executive Monthly Meeting

Get 80+ Meeting Minutes Templates (Free to Download)

These examples of meeting minutes all come from our free agenda template library—only they've been filled in with more information.

In fact, all of the meeting agenda templates in our library can be used for meeting minutes. After all, meeting minutes are essentially the agenda of a meeting, just filled in with summaries of what happened in that part of the meeting.

Find these templates and many more in our large gallery of templates, including executive meetings, board meetings, sales meetings, customer calls, team meetings, and staff meetings.

<blue-bar>Get free meeting minutes templates<blue-bar>

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