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What is the first thing you should do to get off on the right foot with on your new project? Kick if off!
A kick-off meeting is a critical step in establishing a strong foundation for your work. It's a way to guide a project to success from the very start.
Kickoff meetings not only capture the vision and goals of the project. A kickoff meeting can also be a place to break the ice, test the waters and forge relationships with other team members.It also allows you to kick off an action plan for the meeting and follow up to make sure the project is moving forward as planned.
You should try to have an agenda in place before a meeting like this, and this kick-off meeting agenda template will help. You generally find that having an agenda will help keep the meeting on track and, more importantly, help you get the most out of it (avoiding either getting too far off track or spending too much time on one subject).
Keep in mind that when you first meet with individuals for such a kick-off meeting, it is often helpful for them to get a general sense of what your project will require so they can begin to prepare accordingly.
By having a kick-off meeting agenda, you can walk them through the major points that they will need to know in advance of a subsequent task list. This will help them prepare to discuss their capacity to complete their tasks. Are they tied up with other projects/dead lines or do they have time to work on this project?
You should also expect that these individuals will have questions for you during your kick-off meeting.
Do not overload the kick-off meeting agenda with too much detail. Keep it simple, short, sweet and get started with minimal confusion. Ideally stick to what is most important. There will be plenty of time for detail as the project progresses.
If possible, the person leading the meeting should incorporate a few question and answer stops into the meeting to allow time for attendees to ask any questions they may have about the project.